Today, I am taking a trip to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope, taking advantage of the last few days I can do the touristy things before my internship starts. I am standing at the Southern most tip of Africa. Atlantic and the Indian Oceans meet here after the long stretch of the turbulent and troubled African land. This place is marked by no sandy beach nor a smooth transition. The land comes to a rock cliff that falls free of gravity to the endless water. Nature’s stroke of genius. Looking back at the mountains that run up the spine of the country, I think about the million of people below and their sufferings. God is supposed to be able to hear their cries even at such great height, but standing here, I can only hear the wind, the splashing of waves and cry of an eagle. My heart is telling me, from the view of the universe, everything shall pass. Our suffering also shall pass. Our pain and fear is created by ourselves but not the Nature. And we are just a phase in the limitlessness of Nature. Like a palm of sand. While each grain may represent the sufferings we experience, heavy, when the wind comes, each flies away and fades into the limitlessness of Nature. Was there ever the palm of sand?