The morning I was leaving New Orleans, my tooth brush went out of battery. I guess it was time for me to go home/Williams. What a fabulous trip! And I am experiencing cultural shock. In SA, I've gotten used to hear life all around me. It is in the voices, it is in the drums, and it is in the mountains. It is their celebration of life, celebration of living. And then, when I got back to the States, I hear nothing. Actually, I hear murmurs. Murmurs of unsatisfaction. Nothing is good the way it already is. We are always talking about how things could have been, should have been, what we used to have, what we should have. People are always trying to plan and make life a certain way. And if it doesn't work out, we are being cheated and life is unfair. Everything is defined. Something is always better. But life, is already at its best, and everything else, job, relationships, accomplishment... are only adornment.
Where is the celebration of life? The way life already is? The fact that we are already given much so, and we are breathing? Breathing the sweet, sweet air.